
what is ?

 If you are a kid grown up in some rural village of Andhra Pradesh in the 90s, chances that you might have been enamored by film heroes like Chiranjeevi, Bala krishna, Nagarjuna or Venkatesh are very high. Infact, you might have tried to follow them, emulate them and ofcourse, fancied your chances of becoming a movie hero like them once you grow up. But then, now, in your thirties, you most likely would have ended up as a software engineer, bank employee or a doctor. I just cannot think of anything else :). Thanks again for a being a 90s kid from Andhra Pradesh 😄 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- But then, what does your story has to do with ? Your story is a familiar story with quite a many of our generation who not only aspired to be actors but also writers, singers, dancers etc.,  Any profession in arts was a distant dream, then. The eco system was just not there. However, times h
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